Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Food for Thought

I have often wondered why we do not reach our full potential in life? Why do we insist on working the typical 9-5?

   I know that most of us are taught that to survive and have the things we want in this life we must work for someone else, to ensure that we have happy, safe lives.

  For so many years I bought that idea. I ended up working 11 different jobs, never the same thing, for over 30 years. I was always unhappy and would see other success stories that made me wonder why am I not doing what I want to do. I actually made myself sick getting frustrated with what I had to do every day.

  I had those Sunday blues, that feeling I get when I know that the next day is Monday, time to do what I dislike doing for another five days.  Every 9-5 is not awful, but really when I know deep down within me that there are other things that I could be doing, and should be doing, I cringed every time Sunday approached.

 My decision was to do something about this situation. I could not take it anymore.  I had the wild idea that I needed to quit my job and finally do me.

  The trick is I have to know exactly what it is that I am talented at. Am I really, really great at this or just good? I know that my talent is writing. I love to tell a story. I love when people get excited about the stories I have to tell.

 I am not saying that I know exactly what I am doing, but I had a talk with GOD, and I prayed every day. One of my younger brother's coworkers told me that I had to live more years than I had left to live. Really? Never had I thought of it that way, but it was true.

 We tend to get complacent and never do what we dream of doing. "Step out of your comfort zone,"  I was told. I was scared to death of the unknown. I was either going to bite the bullet or live the rest of my life wondering what if.

 I had written my book Another Chance and self-published it in 2006; however, I really did not do anything with it and went back to work for a former employer for another eight years. In the meantime the people who had read the book when it was first published asked about a sequel, as they wanted to know what had happened to the characters. I obliged. It still sat for another six years, until I knew that I could not waste any more time.

 This year I am turning 50, and I couldn't wait any longer. My older brother had passed away last year at 55 years young, and he told me to do what I needed to do to be successful. I thought about that as well as about the fact that my father had died at 71, and he had not really done a whole lot with his life. It was time to spring into action and take back my life, or rather live my life. 

Generally, we as a race do not believe in ourselves enough to live out our dreams. I am not saying that what I decided to do will work for everyone, but I think about a few weeks ago, when I went to mail a copy of my book, the postal representative asked me if I had written the book. She had always wanted to write one, but somberly she informed me that she probably would have to wait until she retired and that she was 59. That made me sad for her, Lord knows I understand that we are programmed at a young age to work until retirement. Then we can live our lives, but by then it may be too late. A lot of us are not living a long time anymore. I hate to hear it said in a eulogy that the departed worked for whatever company for so many years, retired, was able to do some things, but died at 65.

   I am sorry, but that is just not enough for me. I want to be able to do the things I want to do while I am still young-ish. Working for someone else and making that person money have been issues for me for a long time. Corporate bigshots make millions a year, and the employees make 20k-50k a year.  Food for thought.  

  I am taking my decision to be a full-time writer one day at a time. I decided to step out on faith and do this for myself. I will keep  you posted on my journey, good times and bad.

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