Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Amazing Grace

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. These were not just the words to a hymn but the realization of my life. Once upon a time my life was absolutely pathetic. I was in a deep depression. I ate all of the time. I smoked all of the time. Every day that I woke up I could not wait for the day to be over. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and prepared for the dreadful day ahead, but before departing for work I would say a prayer asking God to help me make it through the day. I would also ask if it were meant for me to stay at my place of employment to please give me the strength and the patience, but if not, please help me to move on with my life.
Not exactly sure when I started praying about my situation, but I do know that it got to a point that I just couldn't take it anymore and I knew that before anything drastic happened I needed to go to our Creator. I had a relationship with God, but it wasn't the type I needed to have. I knew that He forgave our sins, but I knew that I wasn't a "perfect" person. I had issues and I did not know what to do with them. My issues were not extreme, but they were keeping me from getting from point "A" to point "B." I knew that I was called to be a writer, but I couldn't get off the merry-go-round of my life.
I had written last year in this blog about walking away from my job, but I didn't know at the time just how impactful that decision would be to my life and the relationship I now have with my Heavenly Father. I realized later that not only did I walk away from a paying job where I had been for over 14 years, that I had "killed" the good credit rating I had finally rebuilt after years of struggling with it, but I did not worry about any of it. I let go and I knew that God was going to take care of me. And He has!
Sure, I lost my car and my house, but those are just things. He has still provided. I have access to a car at any time. I went home to my mother, that's another story, and I don't have to pay rent. I also know that that will all change very soon, as the Lord gives good gifts.

As long as you have faith in God, (Mark 11:22).

...whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24)
I read Scripture every day and have built a wonderful relationship with Him. I know that the Lord has me on the path that I am suppose to be on. It has been an interesting and awe-inspiring journey so far. Stay tuned for the next chapter

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